The Essential Business eGuide
Starting and running a business is complex and there are many issues to consider. From selecting the right business structure through to having the right contracts and employment agreements in place. To assist you to understand what is needed we have put together an eGuide that is packed with the information you need to know.
The Essential Property eGuide
Property may be one of the most important assets you own and the process of buying and selling property can be complex. It is vital that you understand the transaction process and obtain assistance where needed. This eGuide which our lawyers have created will provide you with a broad understanding of buying and selling residential and commercial properties and explain some of the property transaction terms and options that you have.
Divorce and Separation eGuide
Ending a relationship or marriage is an emotional and often heartbreaking process. Understanding the process and your rights will help you to navigate this difficult time. We have designed a guide to help anyone going through a relationship breakdown to understand each stage of the process and ensure they are prepared.
Understanding Estate Planning eGuide
Estate planning is an important consideration for all of us. It helps to ensure we are looked after while we are alive and incapacitated. Estate Planning also ensures our wishes are fulfilled and beneficiaries do not lose their entitlement due to taxation, the insolvency of a beneficiary, family law disputes or asset wastage by a vulnerable beneficiary.
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