Director Identification Number
Company Directors will soon need to have a Director Identification Number (Director ID). This is being introduced to reduce the [...]
Abbie McPhillips – Appointment as Associate
We are pleased to formally announce that Abbie McPhillips has been promoted to Associate of WMD Law. Abbie has been [...]
High Court Clarifies Casual Employment
Casual employee classification has been subject of uncertainty for employers and has resulted in considerable litigation over the years where [...]
Support for Landlords across NSW – the Commercial Landlord Hardship Fund
The NSW government has introduced the Commercial Landlord Hardship Fund to provide grants to eligible small landlords of up to [...]
Taylah Airey – Appointment as Senior Associate
Taylah Airey (nee Stuart) has been appointed as Senior Associate We are extremely proud to announce that Taylah Airey has [...]
COVID-19 Rent Relief mandated while Sydney in its Second Lockdown
As Lockdown continues and many tenants are forced to keep their doors closed, the NSW Government has updated its COVID-19 [...]
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