Avoiding Disputes with Neighbours

By |2018-09-30T19:40:42+00:00September 30th, 2018|CRIMINAL LAW|

The statement "good fences make good neighbours" is most often attributed to the poet Robert Frost. However a version of this proverb or statement exists in many different cultures and languages. We have seen a spate of neighbour disputes lately and we thought it was timely to outline some of the areas where neighbour disputes most often occur as well as some tips for dealing [...]

Workplace Sexual Harassment

By |2018-09-30T13:46:02+00:00September 30th, 2018|CRIMINAL LAW|

There has been a focus on sexual harassment in the media recently due to some high profile allegations in Hollywood. It’s important that we recognise the issue is a global one and that sexual harassment in the workplace is a major concern in Australia. A 2012 survey conducted by the Human Rights Commission found that one in four women had been sexually harassed at work [...]

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